3M Perfect-It 1-Step Finishing Material
3M Perfect-It 1-Step Finishing Material REPLACING 36064 Finishing Compound Balanced cut essentially compounds and polishes in one step, elimin..
Cut- Extra Cut Compound will eliminate 1500 grit sanding marks on fresh paint or scratches on old oxidized paint surfaces- (was COP104)- Excellent for..
Grit- Heavy Cut polish for maximum sanding mark/scratch removal, without hazardous solvents- Spot and aggressive workThis high-performance, VOC-free p..
Metal Glaze
416FIB : Metal Glaze Evercoat 416 Metal Glaze, 30 oz. Two-part polyester finishing and blending putty Includes ZNX-7 for adhesion to galvanized m..
Pink Magic Synthetic Cutting Creme
PM : Pink Magic "The Original Compound for Clear Coats Formulated as a general compound for body and detail shops. Ideal for clear coats and b..
Polish- All over polish- (was COP105)- Medium Cut Polish 2500- The dazzling alternative for the fast removal of sanding marks.- Offers an optimum comb..
Polycracker Prep Wash
PC : Polycracker POLYCRACKER is the only Prep Wash you will ever need. Instruction for Prep Washing, Final Prep Wash and Poly-Silicone Removal ..
Rubbing Compound
36061 : 3M Perfect It Rubbing Compound 3M's best rubbing compound when looking for Extra performance: Extra Cutting Power. Extra Smooth Handling. E..
Scuff-It Paint Prep
Use Scuff-It gel with gray, gold or white ScotchBriteâ„¢ pads to ensure optimum surface abrasion prior to priming and painting. The unique abrasive mine..
Shine- 2 in 1: High-gloss polish and silicone-free coat seal- Swirl remover and final shineTop performance all the way: not only removes fine smears a..
Trizact Spot Finish 3000 (Gallon)
The 3M 06071, Trizact Spot Finishing Material is excellent for Paint Finishing Spot repairs. Designed to remove grade P3000 3M Trizact Hookit ab..
Trizact Spot Finish 3000 (Quart)
The 3M 06070, Trizact Spot Finishing Material is excellent for Paint Finishing Spot repairs. Designed to remove grade P3000 3M Trizact Hookit ab..
Wax (COP)
COP103: Wax This high performance sealant wax uses advanced polymer technology for exceptionally long last paint protection. Excellent ..