PC : Polycracker
POLYCRACKER is the only Prep Wash you will ever need.
Instruction for Prep Washing, Final Prep Wash and Poly-Silicone Removal
For Best Results, Apply to Area Before Starting Work and Before Painting.
Follow these simple steps:
1. Prepare mixture consisting of 50% POLYCRACKER solution and 50% water. First, add POLYCRACKER to fill line on bottle. Then fill remainder of bottle with water.
2. Shake well.
3. Apply a misting spray directly onto the dry surface or apply after pouring on clean, dry cloth. Brush into hinge, lock and similar hard to reach places.
4. Let stand 2 to 4 minutes - make sure surface stays damp.
5. Wipe surface with a clean dampened cloth (use water only)
6. Wipe surface a second time with a clean dry cloth.
7. Surface is now ready to prime or paint.
Container Size | |
Quart | 1 Quart |
Tags: Polycracker, prep, wash